INESKONECT brand is manufactured by INES, which is an African pioneer in the industrialization of products and solutions for the FTTH & Telecom sector. Passionate about high-speed connectivity and working tirelessly to offer innovative solutions to meet the needs and requirements of our partners, with in-depth expertise in the FTTH field and a dedicated team of professionals, we are proud to offer high-quality products to ensure fast, reliable connectivity.
Years of experience
+ 0
+ 350
Export countries
+ 0
Times around the world of tubes made

Our Products

Process We Follow

Raw Material

Careful choice of supply and rigorous laboratory control


Latest generation machinery and robots for production to the highest quality standards

Quality Control

A young, dynamic and competent team works 24/7 to deliver top-quality solutions


Supporting partners with appropriate communication tools for professional installations


Des aires de stockage couvertes et un respect total des normes de gerbage permettant une conservation assurée des produits


Ensures the safe arrival of deliveries to partner warehouses and worksites at all times


Covered storage areas and full compliance with stacking standards allowing assured conservation of products


Accompagnement des partenaires via des supports de communication adaptés pour des installations dans les règles de l’art

Our presence in Morocco and around the world

Through more than 43 years of expertise, recognized know-how and the efforts of human capital rich in skills and high professional qualities, INES was able to introduce the INESKONECT brand to the national market through win-win partnerships with major Moroccan operators and installers; and also to the African and European markets via solutions installed on the networks of several countries.

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